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Union Facts

Longshoremens Association (ILA)

Recent Decertification Attempts

Case NumberCase Name/UnionDate Filed
12-RD-01066Florida Transportation Service, Inc.
International Longshoreman's Association, Local 1359 and 1922
12-RD-01054Florida Transportation Services, Inc.
International Longshoreman's Association, AFL-CIO, BY its Subordinate Locals, Local 1359 and 1922
12-RD-00994Florida Transportation Services, Inc.
International Longshoremen's Association, AFL-CIO, by its subordinate Local 1359 and 1922, AFL-CIO
12-RD-00944Southern Labor Services / Florida Transportation Services, Inc.
International Longshoremen's Association, AFL-CIO, by its surbordinate Locals 1359 and 1922