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Union Facts

Service Employees (SEIU)


Salary Breakdown (2021)

  • Gross Salary: $164,895
  • Allowances: $0
  • Official Business: $37
  • Other Compensation: $0

Salary History

Year TitleGross SalaryTotal Compensation
2021DIR/PUBLIC DIVISION$164,895$164,932
2020DIR/PUBLIC DIVISION$158,115$160,706
2019SPECIAL ASST TO THE EVP$140,086$150,540
2018SPECIAL ASST TO THE EVP$138,111$143,575
2017SPECIAL ASST TO THE EVP$137,447$141,723
2016CA ORGANIZING DIRECTOR$131,354$138,919
2015CA ORGANIZING DIRECTOR$128,855$137,539
2014CA CHILD CARE CAMPGN DIR$123,724$136,336
2013CA CHILD CARE CAMPAIGN DI$106,142$120,491
2009ORGANIZING DIR$61,374$66,687
2008"DEPUTY DIRECTOR, LONG TE$107,172$117,266
2007DEPUTY DIR, LTC$102,839$116,090
2006DEPUTY DIR, LT CARE$93,519$109,075
2005DEPUTY ORGANIZING DIR$90,632$106,596
2004DEP ORGANZNG DIR$29,971$42,425
2003ORGANIZING COORD$51,133$70,430
2002ORGANIZING COORD$53,266$60,185

Source: LM forms filed with the Office of Labor-Management Standards. This information is a public record, which can also be found on the Department of Labor's website: